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Standard Bank Chenin Blanc Top Ten Challenge
Standard Bank Chenin Blanc Top Ten Challenge
The Italians are crazy for Chianti, the French love a Bordeaux, but Chenin Blanc is what South Africans most prefer, and this Thursday we bring you the 10 finest, from this year's Standard Bank Chenin Blanc Top Ten Challenge 2015.
As we prepare for the arrival of summer tourists, South Africa's wine is amongst the major reasons they come. More and more, it’s Chenin Blanc that they love, and since wine is such a foreign income earner and job creator, Standard Bank has really backed a solid performer. Not only do the awards celebrate the best of the best, but it also encourages wine-makers to keep up the good work.
Chenin Blanc pairs famously with Mediterranean food, sushi, sweet and sour South East Asian cuisine and Christmas turkey, so it looks like Chenin Blanc is going to make this summer even sweeter.
Catch the best our country has to offer on Top Billing this Thursday at 7:30pm on SABC3.
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