A Designer Location
This week Top Billing invites you into the home of interior designer Clinton Savage and fashion designer, Ruald Rheeder. Nestled in the Hout Bay Mountains, this home features double volume areas and floor to ceiling windows. The interior boasts an eclectic mix of contemporary, African and a touch of Indonesian influence, fusing the aesthetics of both designers and creating a masterpiece.
CLINTON SAVAGE Clinton Savage Interiors t: +27 (0) 21 465 7504 c: +27 (0) 84 676 9281 f: +27 (0) 21 465 7503 e: info@clintonsavageinteriors.co.za www.clintonsavageinteriors.co.za
RUALD RHEEDER Fashion Designer, Scorpio c: +27 (0) 84 507 3801 e: ruald@maze.co.za