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DIY: Screen
Screen Style Aidan’s screen explores different levels of transparency that can be achieved with this ingenious fold-away screen.
AIDAN’S TIPS • Because this screen can be folded up, it is essential that the one side is shorter than the other, so it fits in.
• When folded, all the gaps are closed, allowing for a more solid, private screen. Alternatively, it can be opened.
Difficulty rating 4/5
30 pieces of any timber cut to a length
of 750mm and dimensions of 22mmx45mm
29 pieces of any timber cut to a length of
720mm and dimensions of 22mmx45mm
3 pieces of 5mm threaded rod or timber dowel
5mm timber drill bit
Drill press
Set square
Carpenter’s pencil
Step 1 On each of the 30 pieces of 750mm timber, measure 25mm from the edge on the short (22mm) side and drill a 5mm hole through the centre. Do this on both sides. On each of the 29 pieces of 720mm timber, measure 25mm from the edge of the long (50mm) side and drill a 5mm hole straight through the centre. Repeat this on both sides.
Step 2
Alternate the timber pieces, line them up along their holes and insert a rod through all the holes. to keep the rods in, fix a nut to either side of the rod.
Step 3
insert the other two rods through the holes on the side edges. As you slide each slat on, insert washers to avoid friction between the timber slats.
Step 4
This particular effect is created by alternating slats that are flat with slats on their sides, allowing the screen to collapse into one panel.
Step 5
The screen stands by virtue of the fact that on one side the rod protrudes to compensate for the height difference which is a result of the alternating slats.