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Easter peppermint crisp tart

Easter peppermint crisp tart Production Amor Engelbrecht Production Assistant Katelyn Williams Photographs Angie Làzaro
(makes 1 big tart)
2 x 200g packets Tennis Biscuits 100g butter, melted 500ml cream 1 x 400g tin caramel 1t gelatine powder 6 Peppermint Crisp chocolates, crushed
Crush the Tennis Biscuits and combine
with the melted butter. Press into a greased springform tart case. Whip the cream and then beat in the caramel. Sponge the gelatine in 1T boiling water and heat in the microwave until dissolved. Stir into the cream and caramel mixture and pour over the tart
base. Sprinkle the Peppermint Crisp over
and place in the refrigerator to set. Decorate with spun sugar nests, mini eggs and chocolate bunnies.