Our location this week is the penthouse studio of our latest Tswelopele Productions show, Expresso. This brand new breakfast show broadcasts live every weekday from 5:30am on SABC3 and brings you two hours of entertaining lifestyle television sure to put a smile on your face and kick start your day in the right direction. If ever there was a great reason to get up early in the morning - Expresso is it.
Catch Expresso weekdays from 5:30am - 7:30am on SABC3!
Chris van Niekerk Architect thefold architecture 198 buitengraght street Cape Town 8001 info@thefold.co.za Tel: +27 21 422 4420 www.thefold.co.za
Pierre du Plessis Architect thefold architecture 198 buitengraght street Cape Town 8001 info@thefold.co.za Tel: +27 21 422 4420 www.thefold.co.za
Helen de Villiers Belgotex Floor Coverings Tel: +27 (33) 897 7500 belgotex@carpet.co.za www.belgotexfloorcoverings.co.za
Susan Perry Modern Garden Company / Modern Home Company Upper Floor, Portside Centre Cnr Main & Upper Portswood Roads Greenpoint, Cape Town 8051 (Look for the doorway adjacent to Vida e Cafe and we're just at the top opposite Silk & Cotton) Tel: +27 (0)21 434 0611 Fax: +27 (0)866 302 137 info@moderngarden.co.za www.moderngarden.co.za
Stephen Morgan The Douglas Jones Collection Mosaics enquiries@douglasjones.co.za www.douglasjones.co.za
Matteo Amatruda A + I Unlimited Design Unit 104, The Foundry , Prestwich Street, Greenpoint
tel. +27 (0)21 425 5603 fax. +27 (0)21 418 4265 email. info@afritaly.com www.afritaly.com
Presenters: Liezel van der Westhuizen
Katlego Maboe
Ewan Strjdom Kia Johnson - Weather/Traffic Presenter
