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Honeycomb ice cream affogato with Baileys

Honeycomb ice cream affogato with Baileys
(serves 8-10)
2 vanilla beans, split 5 egg yolks ¾ cup castor sugar 450ml thick cream 1 cup crushed home-made honeycomb (CLICK HERE FOR THE RECIPE) 1 cup espresso ½–1 cup Baileys liqueur
Combine the seeds from the vanilla bean, egg yolks and sugar in a bowl of simmering water and beat over medium heat for 5 minutes until pale and thick. Add ½ cup cream and beat for a further 3 minutes. Remove bowl from heat. Whip remaining cream until soft peaks and fold into egg yolk mixture. Pour into a container and freeze for 6 hours or until almost set. Transfer to a food processor and process until smooth then fold in the honeycomb before refreezing until firm. For the affogato, place scoops of ice cream into dessert glasses or cups. Drown (the literal meaning of affogato) each with coffee and Baileys and serve while warm and melting.