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Lemon yoghurt cake

Lemon yoghurt cake
Cake 175ml yoghurt zest and juice of 1 lemon 175ml oil 350ml castor sugar 3 eggs, lightly beaten 1t vanilla essence 350ml self-raising flour
Icing 1 cup icing sugar, sifted enough yoghurt to make a thick icing crystallised lemon zest, for decoration*
For the cake, beat the yoghurt, zest and juice, oil, sugar, eggs and vanilla together. Sift over the flour in two batches and fold in gently. Pour into a greased bundt tin and bake at 180˚C for about 25 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean.
To make the icing, mix the icing sugar and yoghurt and pour over the cake. Decorate with crystallised lemon zest.
* Boil the desired amount of lemon peel, covered with water until it is soft enough to push a match through. Strain. Simmer equal amounts of water and sugar together, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Add the lemon peel and simmer in the syrup for 25 minutes. Strain and leave on a drying rack to dry, then roll in castor sugar. Store between layers of wax paper in an airtight container. |

Homemade yoghurt (makes about 500ml)
1L full-cream organic milk 50ml plain yoghurt
1. Heat the milk to just under boiling point, then allow to cool to body temperature.
2. Stir or whisk in the yoghurt. Cover and leave in a warm place for eight hours (like a box lined with cushions or wrapped in newspaper and a blanket) or place in an oven set at around 43-45˚C. Another option is to place the yoghurt in jars in a pan of water on the stove and maintain the temperature by using a thermometer.
3. Test if the yoghurt is thick enough by holding the pot sideways – the yoghurt will separate from the edges. If it is not thick enough, hang in a muslin cloth to drain more of the fluid (be careful not to hang it for too long because then it will turn into yoghurt cheese).
Tips * You can use low-fat milk or even goat’s milk… however, full-cream milk gives a thicker consistency. * Use yoghurt which contains ‘live’ cultures. It is normally indicated on the label. * Once you get into the routine of making your own yoghurt you can use some of the previous batch to make your next one (you can even freeze it!), but eventually you will need to buy another tub of commercial yoghurt as the bacteria lose their power.
Storage * The yoghurt will keep in the fridge for 1 week.
Yoghurt in warm food * To avoid the yoghurt splitting, you have to prepare it. Mix 2T yoghurt with 2t cornflour, then stir in 2 cups more yoghurt. Heat very slowly, then simmer 10 minutes until thickened, stirring occasionally. This is now ready to use. Or leave to cool, whisk until smooth, and store in the fridge for up to one week.