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Orange and Campari Cake by David Higgs

Orange & Campari Cake Recipe by David Higgs of Saint Serves 12 60-70 minutes Easy Cake Ingredients: 8 Oranges (zest from four, juice from all eight) 350g Greek yogurt 300g Sugar 4 Eggs 250g Butter (melted) 350g Semolina Flour 100g Ground Almonds Syrup Ingredients: 100 ml Campari 300g Sugar 8 Oranges (juiced) Cake Method: Grease and line a spring-form pan Zest 4 oranges Whisk eggs until pale and thick Add the sugar to the egg mixture In an electric mixer, on medium speed, add the yogurt Melt butter and allow it to cool before adding it to the egg and yogurt mixture Mix the flour and the orange zest together Fold the flour into the liquid mixture Our into the greased pan and bake at 170˚C for 45 minutes (checking regularly) Syrup Method: Cook all the ingredients together in a pan until melted and they reach a jam consistency. Pour over the cake as it comes out of the oven.