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Simba eats black eggs in Japan

With the blessing of the Mhere family we bring you part two of Simba's Japanese adventure where he eats blacks eggs and takes a bath in a spa heated by a volcano in Hakone

Top Billing visits a volcano in Japan

With the blessing of the Mhere family we bring you part two of Simba's Japanese adventure where he eats blacks eggs and takes a bath in a spa heated by a volcano in Hakone.

A short train trip South West of the capital Tokyo brings you to a valley of such natural value that UNESCO have designated it a Geopark. Ferries inspired by vintage sailing warships take you across Lake Ashi, the lake of reeds, and while the town of Hakone boasts attractions like galleries with works by Picasso and Rodin, the star of the show is unquestionably the area’s spa tradition. Under each of these roofs lies a different variety – coffee baths, wine or cypress baths and Simba needed no second invitation.

Whether you prefer to bathe in company or on your own, in your swimsuit of birthday suit, there's a spa for every taste. Simba finds the water to be incredibly relaxing and warm, complete with healing properties.

Next he sets out to the volcanic source of this water. Taking the cableway up the side of the Volcanic crater is a bad time to read that just two decades ago there were scores of earthquakes beneath this caldera, but our guide Lulu Kawadushi assured us that no eruption followed and none was immediately expected. At the top Simba gets to experience one of the trip's highlights with Kuro-Tamago – a local speciality of eggs hard-boiled in these bubbling hot springs than emerge from the water pitch black in colour. 

Join us for part two of our beloved Simba's Japanese adventure, Thursday 8:30pm on SABC3.

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Simba eats black eggs in Japan

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