Spring Cleaning
It may be almost summer now - but it's never to late to spring clean your wardrobe! Here are some steps to follow towards a more spacious closet:
1) Choose the right time to approach this challenge - full of energy and motivated.
2) Set aside all your favourite items; they should be flattering, in good condition and on/still trendy rolex replica watches - by picking the definite "keepers" first, the remainder of your wardrobe can be more easily seen & sorted.
3) Next pull out the definite "to go's" - these are the items you haven't worn in a long time, no longer like, or are looking over-worn and old.
4) You'll now be looking at your "maybes" - those items you aren't convinced should go, yet never seem to "work" when you put them on...choose carefully, keeping everything just for the sake of it, only clogs your wardrobe.
Look at these items in relation to your "keepers", can they be coordinated with newer pieces for a fresh look? Do they still fit? Is the style out of date? Don't be shy to call a trusted friend/family member to give you an honest opinion if you need it.
5) Once you've sorted your "to go's" from your "keepers"; find a needy charity to help out - and deliver with a smile!