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Tomato galette with pumpkin seed pastry

Tomato galette with pumpkin seed pastry The season for growth and renewal has arrived and the tiniest of seeds are sown and magically sprout forth into the most perfect plants. In the kitchen, seeds are just as miraculous so plant them firmly into your diet and reap the health benefits.
100g pumpkin seeds 100g whole-wheat flour 100g cake flour 85g cold butter, in cubes 1 egg, beaten 1 cup ricotta salt and black pepper 3-4 ripe tomatoes, sliced 1t thyme leaves extra virgin olive oil, for drizzling
(serves 4)
For the pastry, place the seeds, flours and butter in a food processor and pulse until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Add the egg and a little water if necessary until a dough forms. Roll out the dough into a disc. Crumble the ricotta in the middle, season well and top with the sliced tomatoes. Sprinkle with thyme and a drizzle of olive oil. Bake at 180°C for 15 minutes until golden brown. Serve with a salad.
PUMPKIN SEEDS It’s hard to believe that such a small seed houses the magical makings of large bright pumpkins. Theses tiny olive-green packages offer plenty of protein and energy-producing magnesium responsible for regulating blood pressure and maintaining bone health. Not to mention that just a ¼ cup provides a quarter of the daily requirement of zinc, which protects the immune system.