Justine's Seared Mediterranean Tuna with Tomato Salsa
Ingredients for Tomato Salsa 2 Cups ( 500ml) assorted (yellow and red) mini italian, cherry and cocktail tomatoes, quartered (different sizes and colours work best) 2 spring onions, sliced on a slant 1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped 1 clove garlic, crushed Splash Balsamic vinegar Juice of 1/2 orange Handful basil and Italian parsley, roughly chopped Pepper
4 fresh tuna fillets freshly squeezed lemon juice Olive oil for brushing Milled pepper
Method: Mix all salsa ingredients together and leave to marinate for at least 30 minutes Squeeze lemon juice over tuna, brush with a little oil on both sides and season with milled pepper Heat a griddle pan until smoking hot Sear for 3-5 minutes depending on thickness. Serve with a tumble of blanched asparagus, tenderstem broccoli and wilted baby spinach, stirfried quickly in olive oil.
Mix it up - try these changes to the recipe Serve salsa with chicken breast fillets, ostrich steak or any other sustainable fish Steam tuna on a bed of ginger, baby marrows and asparagus Bake tuna with tomato salsa in a 180C oven Instead of oiling tuna before cooking, brush with lightly beaten egg white – this will also ‘glue’ spices to fish. Tuna can hold it’s own against strong flavours so experiment with spice combinations paprika, lemon peel, cumin coriander, Substitute tuna with salmon or yellowtail.