We features an eclectic home celebrating heritage Roxy meets Diane Tevoedjre at her beautiful house for a tour of a home that sees Africa and Europe meet.
Being of Malian and Beninese decent with a strong influence from France, it's no wonder the grande home of interior designer Diane Tevoedjre is an eccentric melting pot of cultures. After years living in the cultures of Germany, Italy, Belgium, the USA, France, Switzerland, Ivory Coast and Thailand, Diane’s talent is for contrasting one design tradition right next to another to spark chemistry in a room.
Her approach is simple: She takes the elements she loves the most and tries to combine them in an interesting way. The home showcases craftsmanship and history and as Diane will tell you, her two sons Haile and Ehyram are the most important people in her life. They are partly the reason for the enormous swimming pool central to this marvellous home. Join us this week on Top Billing to see this stunning home and to meet this inspiring interior designer, that's 8:30pm on SABC3.
Meha Art & Interiors meha.co.za