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Top Billing tours a stunning Joburg family home
Top Billing tours a stunning family home in Johannesburg
Running and cycling the trails of greater South Africa is like breathing to Kevin and Leandra Blann, so, they wanted their Jourg home to flow as freely. To be such a logical extension of their outdoor lifestyle – that living here would feel like second nature.
It wasn’t a weekend property section which led the Blanns here, but pure chance – and as a couple who both studied chemistry, they know how some of science’s great breakthroughs have come from happy accidents.
The couple who met at varsity and bought a tandem bike have now started a family and built their fantasy home, together.
Having discovered this plot, they built ‘with’ the slope of the land, putting the entrance and bedrooms up top and living areas down below.
Floor to wall glass and double glazing allow the sun to heat the house in winter while Leandra keeps a steady flow of fresh-baked wonders coming from the kitchen, all year.
These contrasts of natural and man-made materials blend into the natural surrounds while making a clear architectural statement. Louvers and overhangs to screen the sun, double as design features in Warren Green’s vision.
Ultimately, it is a famly home, and the kitchen is truly its heart where memories (and delicious treats) are made.
Once they park their cars on a Friday, there’s so much to enjoy in and around here that they have little reason to leave again - before work on a Monday morning.