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Jolly Jammer biscuits

Jolly jammers Recipes and styling Katelyn Williams Photos Angie Lázaro Food Assistant Simon Orviss
(makes 15)
1 x quantity basic biscuit dough ½ cup cream 1½ cups icing sugar ¼ cup each strawberry, blueberry and apricot jam icing sugar, for dusting
Roll out the dough as in the basic recipe and cut out desired shapes. Using a smaller cutter of the same shape, cut 'windows' out of half of the cookies and bake according to the recipe. Allow to cool on a cooling rack. Mix the cream and icing sugar to form a spreadable consistency. Spread a little icing and one type of jam on each cookie and sandwich together. Dust with icing sugar.
Need an easy basic cookie recipe? We have the perfect one for you. Why not try our Chocolate Marshmallow biscuit recipe